The Nature of Agnosticism: Part 4.3
This is a continuation of the topic "what causes religious belief". So far we have been analyzing mechanisms internal to theistic belief systems that cause them to persist. This is a continuation of that analysis. The Role of Story Telling This is somewhat obvious at first, given that scripture is just one big story (hearsay specifically). But it’s a bit deeper than imagined on second glance. Story telling is paramount in religion. It extends directly from the notion of metaphor, because what good is a metaphor without a guiding story that contains temporal ordering, directing the adherent to some end. I don’t just mean stories in the abstract sense; I also mean stories in the form of “testimonials” such as near-death experiences and encounters with “god working in someone’s life”. These minor stories serve to bolster the grander narrative told by scripture. They act as mechanisms supporting the much larger world view, among other story-like literary devices such as allegori...