
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Nature of Agnosticism Part 5

I was rereading old posts and realized I vaguely touched on miracles and religious experience. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I've neglected these concepts. I've underemphasized their importance in relation to other concepts I've belabored in the past and I never attempted to properly define the terms. I lump these together because there appears to be a deep interrelatedness between the two. "Miracle" tends to be the interpretation of a religious experience. Likewise, religious experiences seem to always involve some alleged miracle. They are deeply related concepts that are actually fundamental to persistence of belief but also point to interesting psychological traits of religious people that seem to predispose individuals to interpret events as miraculous. When you step outside the realm of ridiculous apologetics and theology, many evangelists will testify to some religious experience in hopes of persuading you. Many down to earth conversations with believers w...