The Nature of Agnosticism Part 2
As I reflect more on my agnosticism I've come to some additional conclusions about the general tendencies or patterns of thinking entailed by agnosticism. I will mention a few arguments from the philosophy of religion that I find utterly unconvincing but are surprisingly convincing to a large fraction of theists, how we should be evaluating the worldviews that generate these faulty arguments, why it's pointless to engage in speculative argumentation, and how we should reevaluate our conceptions of the structure and nature of these types of belief systems. I'll preface this by stating that I've been recently exposed to a religious subculture in my late 20's without much prior involvement. My exposure and reactions come after attending undergrad, graduate school, a decade of reading philosophy and critical argumentation, and self teaching computer science. I've realized that I've had the privilege of growing up in a household that's been more or less open ...