
Showing posts from November, 2023

21 Indications of a Dogmatic Belief

 The word "Dogma" is defined as a strong assent to some proposition about a non-evident matter. In it's most colloquial sense, it is the holding of some belief unquestioningly with a strong degree of conviction, credence, or certainty, but typically on highly questionable grounds (or no grounds at all). The term can refer to a proposition or be used as a descriptor; "that person holds the XYZ dogma" or "that person's adherence to ideology XYZ is rather dogmatic". The term usually has a derogatory connotation, associated with rigidness, stifling inflexibility, and an authoritarian totalizing force. It is a type of belief that is simply "off the table for discussion"; rarely subject to rational or evidential deliberation. Someone can have a "dogmatic attitude" with respect to a certain proposition or entire ideologies. To be clear, we all have some form of dogma with respect to some propositions. Furthermore, to be even more clear...