Free Will
I’ve got to admit, I don’t understand all of the fuss about this concept. It seems like one of those topics philosophers like to argue about ad infinitum without any progress. Among non-philosophers, it seems there is a tendency to hastily reduce this to a binary distinction, while ignoring the fact that “Freedom” itself is a gradient and the “Will” is simply our capacity to interact with our environment in a non-arbitrary manner; it is a brute fact about ourselves. To me this is not a matter of classification, rather a question of degree under various conditions. If we think about the semantics of the lexemes involved in the phrase, it should be clear that “Freedom” is a type of degree-term or grade-term, with respect to a set of operational criteria. It can also be thought of as a rank-term, where each rank corresponds to an interval with gradeability from lower to higher; when the limit is reached there is a discontinuous jump into the higher rank. My whole point is that we ought t